1. ‹‹ለሁለት አመት ያላየሁትን
ጓደኛዬን ላገኘው ቀጠሮ ነበረኝ››
እኔ እና አጥኔክስ 10፡45 አካባቢ ከቀነኒሳ ሆቴል እየወጣን ነበር፣ ያን ቀን አብረን
ነው የዋልነው፡፡ መንገድ ላይ እንዳለን ስልክ ተደውሎ ማሂ በፖሊሶች መያዟን ሰማን፡፡ ወዲያው የማሂን መያዝ በተመለከተ ቲዊት ላደርግ
ስልኬን ስነካካ የማላውቃቸው ሰዎች ሁለታችንንም ከበቡን፤ ስልካችንና ላፕቶፓችንንም ነጠቁን፡፡ ምንም አይነት የተለየ እንቅስቃሴ
አላደረግንም፡፡ ዙሪያ ገባየን ሳይ ሰው የተለመደ እንቅስቃሴውን ቀጥሏል፡፡
የሚገርመው ለሁለት አመታት ያህል አግኝቼው የማላውቀው ጓደኛዬ ጋር ቀጠሮ ስለነበረኝ ወደዚያ
እየሄድኩ ነበር፡፡ ከጓደኛየ ጋር ብዙ ጊዜ ለመገናኘት ፈልገን አልመችህ ሲለን ረጅም ጊዜ ሳንገናኝ ቆየን፡፡ በዛ ዕለትም ሳላገኘው
ወደእስር ተጋዝኩኝ፡፡ የነጠቁኝ ስልክ በተደጋጋሚ ሲደወል እና መልዕክት ሲገባ ይሰማኛል፡፡ የቀጠርኩት ጓደኛየ ይሆናል እያልኩ አስባለሁ፡፡
ሰዎቹ እኔን እና አጥኔክስን መኪና ውስጥ አስገብተው ወደ ቦሌ መድሃኒያለም ወሰዱን፡፡
ከዚያም ሌላ መኪና መጣችና አጥኔክስን ከእኔ ለይተው ወደሌላኛዋ መኪና ወሰዱት፡፡ አጥኔክስ ጋር ሲለያዩን አይዞን፣ አይዞን ተባብለን
ተለያየን፡፡ ከዚያ እኔን የያዘችው መኪና ወደ እኔ ቤት ይዛኝ ከነፈች፡፡ የቤት ብርበራ ሊደረግ መሆኑ ገባኝ፡፡
ቤት ደርሰን የእኔን ክፍል እያንዳንዷን ነገር መፈተሽ ጀመሩ፡፡ አንደኛው በተለያየ ጊዜ
የጻፍኳቸውን ጽሑፎች እያነበበ አየዋለሁ፡፡ ፍተሻው ቀጠለ፡፡ የሚፈትሹት ሰዎች ቀስ በቀስ እየወደዱኝ እንደሆነ ገባኝ፡፡ ማነጋገር
ጀምረዋል፡፡ ቤቴ ውስጥ ያለኝ ብዙ ሀብት መጽሐፍ ነው ማለት እችላለሁ፡፡ የቆዩ መጽሐፎችን ሳይቀር እያገላበጡ እያዩ የሚፈልጉትን
ይይዛሉ፡፡ እኔ የጻፍኳቸውን ጽሑፎች እያገላበጡ ‹ለምን አታሳትማቸውም› ማለት ሁሉ የጀመሩ ነበሩ፡፡ የእውነት ሰዎቹ እየወደዱኝ
ነበር (በሳቅ)፡፡ ፈታሾቹ ሳጥን ውስጥም መጽሐፍ፣ ካርቶን ውስጥም መጽሐፍ፣ ጠረጴዛ ላይም መጽሐፍ ሲያገኙ እየተገረሙ እንደነበር
ትዝ ይለኛል፡፡ የእኔን ክፍል ፈትሸው ሲጨርሱ ዋናው ቤት ገቡ፡፡ እናቴም አባቴም ቤት ውስጥ ነበሩ፡፡ የዛን ሰሞን ሁኔታ ስላላማረኝ፣
ሊያስሩኝ እንደሚችሉና ቤቱም ሊፈተሽ እንደሚችል እነግራቸው ስለነበር ሳይዘጋጁ አልቀሩም፡፡ ቢሆንም ግን መደንገጣቸውና ፣ ማልቀሳቸው
አልቀረም፡፡ ቤት ውስጥ ማየት የሚፈልጉትን እያዩ እያለ እራት እንድበላ አሳሰቡኝ፡፡ እራት ቀርቦልኝ እንዴት ይበላልኝ!
ፍተሻው አልቆ ከቤት ስወጣ ቤተሰቦቼን ለማረጋጋት ያህል ‹በጥርጣሬ ነው የያዙኝ፣ ሰኞ
እወጣለሁ ይለቁኛል› አልኳቸው፡፡ ከዛም በመኪና ይዘውኝ ማዕከላዊ ወሰዱኝ፡፡ ማዕከላዊ እንደደረስኩ ሰውነቴ ድንዝዝ ሲል ይታወቀኛል፡፡
በቃ ራሴን የመጣል ስሜት ነበር የወረረኝ፡፡ ደሞ ድካሙ! ማዕከላዊ ተመዝግቤ ሌሎች እስረኞች ወዳሉበት ክፍል አስገቡኝ፡፡ በሩ ከኋላዬ
ሲዘጋ ቀፈፈኝ፡፡ ወዲያው ውስጥ ያሉት እስረኞች ስለራሴ ጠየቁኝ፤ ነገርኳቸው፡፡ ሊያረጋጉኝ ሞከሩ፡፡
“I had an appointment to meet a friend whom I
never met for two years” Befeqadu Hailu
It was
around 4:45pm when Atnex and me leave Kenenisa Hotel. We were together the
whole day. While walking, we received a call and found out that the police has
arrested Mahi. Immediately while I was about to tweet about Mahi’s arrest using
my phone some strange people surrounded us and snatched our phones and laptops.
We didn’t make any strange move. When I look around, people are busy with their
routine life and things continue as normal.
I was about to meet a friend that I have not seen for the last two years and I
was heading there. My friend and me have been planning to meet a number of
times but we couldn’t do so because of lots of inconveniences. To add on this,
I’m being taken to the prison on this day as well. I can hear my phone ringing
and text message coming while it’s in the hands of the guys. I was thinking it
was my friend.
The guys
put Atnex and me into a car and take us to the Bole Medhanialem church. Then
another car came and they took Atnex to another car. When they took him, we
comforted each other. Then the car I was in started its way to my house’s
direction. I felt that they are about to do house searching.
When we
get to my house, they started to search each and every thing in my room. One of
them is reading the articles I wrote.
The searching continued. I feel that the people who are searching my
house have started to like me. They even started a conversation with me. The
wealth that I have in my house is books. They started to pick the old books and
keep some of them that they want to. They started to go through some of my
articles and even started asking “why are you not publishing?”
Truly, the guys
started to like me. The searchers were surprised to find books in lockers,
books in the cartoon boxes and books on the table. They moved to the main house
once they finished searching my house. Both my parents were there. It seems
that both of them were ready since I have been sharing with them my suspicion
about the changing situation and the possibility of me being arrested. In spite
of all this, they couldn’t avoid being shocked and crying. While they were
looking at things in the house they reminded me about having my dinner. Dinner
was served, but how could I eat it.
When we
were about to leave I tried to calm down my family. I said “they are arresting
me as a suspect. I will leave on Monday. They will release me” They drove me to
Maekelawi. When we get there I feel my body becoming drowsy. I just wanted to
throw my body. It was very tiresome. They put me into a cell where there are
other prisoners after they register me. I feel disgusted when the shut the door
behind me. Immediately the prisoners inside the cell started to ask me about
myself and I told them. They tried to calm me down.

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