Monday, April 27, 2015

የታሰርኩ ለታ - ማህሌት ፋንታሁን

1.    እናቴ ስትገባ ቤቱ በፓሊስና በደህንነት ተከቦ እኔም ፓሊሶች ይዘውኝ ስታይ በጣም ደንግጣ ራሷን ስታ ወደቀች  

አርብ እንደማንኛውም የስራ ቀን ታናሽ እህቴን ስሜ ከቤት ወጣሁ፡፡ የዚያን እለት ያለወትሮው የወረዳችን ሰራተኛ ቤት መጥቶ መጽሃፍ አንድገዛለትና ከስራ ስወጣ ይዥለት አንድመጣ ከስራ የምወጣበትን ሰአት ጠይቆኝ ነበር፡፡ ተስማምቼ የመጸሃፉን ርእስ ነግሮኝ ገዝቼልህ እመጣለሁ አልኩት ፡፡ የምመለስበትን ሰአት ሰምቶ ሄደ፡፡ በጣም ያልተለመደ ነገር አንደሆነ ተሰምቶኝ አንደነበር ትዝ ይለኛል፡፡ (ያንን ሰው ከዚያ በኋላ አላየሁትም መልእክትም አልደረሰኝም) ፡፡ በእለቱ  አሁን በእስር ላይ የምትገኘው የርእዮት አለሙ እህት  ቹቹ ጋር ተደዋውለን በማግስቱ የፕሮፌሰር መስፍን ልደት ስለነበር ልደት ለማክበር አንደምንሄድ ተስማማን ፡፡ ስጦታውንም አብረን ለመግዛት ተቀጣጠርን፡፡

አርብ የምሳ መውጫ ሰአት በጊዜ ስለሆነ በጊዜ ወጥቼ ከአንድ ጓደኛዬ ጋር ፒያሳ ጣይቱ ሆቴል ሄደን የመጨረሻውን ምሳዬን ጣይቱ ታደምኩኝ፡፡ ከሰአቱ ምንም የተለየ ነገር አልነበረውም ፣የተለመደውን ቢሮ ስራ ስሰራ ቆየሁ ለአንድ ጓደኛዬ ስልክ ቴክስት መላኬ ትዝ ይለኛል አሁን  የላኩትን መልእክት ይዘት ሳስበው  ለተወሰነ ግዜ አንደማንገናኝ ታውቆኝ ነበር ማለት ነው እላለሁ፡፡  በግምት ከቀኑ 10-10.30 አካባቢ ሁለት ሲቪል የለበሱ ወንዶች ቢሮዬ ገብተው እንደሚፈልጉኝ ነገሩኝ፡፡ ከቢሮ ይዘውኝ ወጡና በወንጀል አንደምፈለግ የሚገልጽ የፍተሻ ማዘዣ አሳዩኝ፡፡ ወረቀቱ ላይ የአቤሎ የበፍቄን የአጥናፍ እና የናቲን ስሞች አየሁ ፡፡ ውጪ ሰንወጣ ደግሞ በተጨማሪ ሎሎች አራት ሲቪል የለበሱ ሰዎች ውጪ ቆመው ነበር፡፡  ከዚያ የቆመው የፖሊስ ፒክ አፕ መኪና ውስጥ አስገቡኝ ውስጡ አራት የታጠቁ ፓሊሶች እና እኔ ሆነን መኖሪያ ቤቴን ለማስፈተሽ ጉዞ ወደ ቤተሰቦቼ ቤት ሆነ፡፡  ወደኋላ ሳይ በቤት መኪና ሆነው የሚከተሉን ሲቪል ለባሾችም ነበሩ ፡፡

ስነደርስ ተቆልፈው የነበሩትን የጊቢና የቤት በሮች ከፍተን ገባን እነሱም ፎቶ ማንሳት ጀመሩ ፡፡ በሰአቱ ከስራ ወደቤት የገባ ማንም የቤተሰብ አባል አልነበረም ፡፡  በግምት ከአንድ ከ30 ደቂቃ በኋላ እናቴና አባቴ መጡ ፡፡ እናቴ ስትገባ ቤቱ በፓሊስና በደህንነት ተከቦ እኔም ፓሊሶች ይዘውኝ ስታይ በጣም ደንግጣ ራሷን ስታ ወደቀች፡፡ ከዚያ በኋላ ጊቢው ረብሻ በረብሻ ሆነ ፡፡ የሰፈር ሰዎች በሙሉ ነበሩ ፡፡ ፈተሻው ሲያልቅ ልብሷን አዘጋጁላት ብለው ለቤተሰቦቼ ነገሯቸው፡። ልብሴ ተዘጋጅቶልኝ ሰፈር ሰውና ቤተሰብ ለቅሶ ታጅቤ ከወላጆቼ ቤት በፓሊስ መኪና ወጣሁ ፡። ጉዞ ወደ ማእከላዊ ሆነ ።

ፒያሳ አካባቢ ስንደርስ አንግዳ የሆነ የመረበሽ ስሜት ተሰማኝ ምናልባትም ማእከላዊ እየቀረበ መምጣቱም እስሩም እውነት መሆኑም ሊሆን ይችላል፡፡ ማእከላዊ ስንደርስ መሽቷል፡። ተፈትሼ ስገባ ማእከላዊ ውስጥ ለስምንት ወራት የቆዬ ሁለት የሶማሌ ክልል ተወላጅ ተቀበሉኝ ፡፡ እነዚህ ልጆች በማእከላዊ ቆይታዬ አላማጅና አጽናኜ ሆኑ ፡፡

As any working day, on Friday I kissed my younger sister and left  home for work. In that day, one of the employee of our Worda administration office came and unusually asked me to buy a book for him.and healso asked me when I will get off from work. I agreed with his request and collected the title of the book and informed him my returning time after work. I now remember that I felt that it was very strange request (I did not see this person again nor received any message from him).  Later on, I called to Chuchu, a younger sister of the imprisoned Journalist Reeyot Alemu, to buy a gift for Prof. Mesfin since the next day was his birthday. We have agreed to go together to celebrate his birthday.

I had my last lunch with a friend of mine at Taitu Hotel in Piassa. I spent my afternoon while working my usual task. I remembered that I sent a text message for one of my friend. When I thought about the content of my message now, I feel  that I was unconsciously knew that we might not meet again. When it was around 4:30 Pm, two security agents, who wore civilian dress, came and told me that they want to talk to me. While I was in my way to get out off from my office, they gave me a searching warrant. On the warrant, I was able to see my friends name particularly Abelo, Befeqe, Atnaf and Nati. When we went out of my office, I saw additional four security agents, who were in civil dresses. They let me to enter a police pick up car and there were four militant police and went to home for searching. When I try to see the surroundings, I learned that there are security agents who followed us in private vehicles too.

When we arrived home, I opened the doors and they started taking pictures. At that moment, my families are not yet back from work. After half an hour, my mother and father came. When my mama entered home and realized that there were police officers and I was encircled by security agents she was stroked and failed down. After that there was a huge disruption. All our neighbors came to our home. After the search was completed, the police officers ordered my family to prepare my cloths. After my family prepared my cloths, I entered into the police vehicle while my neighbors and family members were crying.

When we were around Pissa, I felt some distribution feeling. May be it is because that I was near to Me'akelawi and I realized that my detention became true. It was too late when we arrived at Me'akelawi. After I went to through the procedural searching and regulation, I meet two women, who are from Somali region, these women became my helper and source of comfort in my stay there.


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